Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Roller Coaster...

I have been M.I.A.  for the last few weeks.  I think in your hardest most troubling times you find out just how lucky you are.  I was given really bad news about my health and pregnancy and for the last three weeks have been struggling with the worst news of my life.  After the last two days in the hospital, I have been told that it seems the information I first received was not right and that everything is fine!!  We are relieved and so thankful for the good news.  The people that have rallied around us have been amazing!  My husband truly is the best ever and if you don't believe me check out the article in Today's Parent Magazine that was on stands today .  He stood by my side the last three weeks and dropped everything to take care of me.  Our families and friends have overwhelmed me with thoughts, prayers, flowers and meals!!  A huge thankyou goes out to my fellow photographer and friend Carina Gartner Lamarche who stepped up to the plate and was my second shooter at my last wedding.  So again everything seems fine at this point and a huge thanks to my friends and family!  Now back to our regularly scheduled life!  I will be posting images from the latest wedding soon..........

1 comment:

Sheila said...

I am glad that everything is ok!
What a wonderful article and congrats on being a winner!!