Friday, May 23, 2008

Moose Jaw Wedding D+J

What a great group to work with! My fabulous hubby accomponied me to MooseJaw where I met up with my friend Carina to spend the day with a simpy gorgeous bride and groom and fabulously fun wedding party. The minister made the service so personal and lighthearted and the families were great too!

The girls were quite the attraction in the parking lot of "Nevada Nickel's" parking lot. They had so much fun being super models. Here Carina is showing them their image on the back of her camera.
Crouched down in the corner of a back alley and look how great she looks!!
Shot through an open screen door in the back alley.

Here are a few from Carina. I am in love with the church shot through the doors! Too Cool. Check out her website at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That one of the bridal party on the fire escape is great! And the bride from behind, with the bird in the top left corner. What awesome luck :)
