I have recently joined an organization of photographers that provide a service to grieving parents. I had the great honor and privelge of photographing a sweet little boy named Ethan this year that was born into heaven. The strength and courage of his family gave me the ability to be there and commemerate his time here on earth.

The oraganization is called "Now I lay me down to sleep" and through photography commemorate the lives of critically ill or still born children.
The organization was recently featured on Good Morning America. If you watch this have the tissues handy.
Amazing! I wish you were there when we lost our son. The nurses did their best and took some snaps, at the time we did not know what to think when they handed us a film to develope but once it all sank it we were forever grateful to have those photos to hang onto.Hard to understand unless you've gone thru it.
I really wish we would of had thought of something like this 8 years ago. A year ago we lost everything in a house fire. We were the only ones that had pictures of our son. He had his own look, he was the only one that had black curly hair. Now I no longer have any memories of him but what is in my heart.
Thank you for being there for these families in a way that no one else can at a time when they need it the most.
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