Thursday, February 28, 2008

March is around the corner!

Some of our Kinsmen friends stopped in last night with a rusty old car for our driveway. It was passed on to us and for a donation to Telemiracle we also passed it along! Telemiracle is this weekend and here is another little known fact about me, I performed on Telemiracle 10 when I was in grade eight. I am not the best singer in the world but I love being on stage so I talked 4 of my talented friends into starting a singing group and there we were in Regina at the Center of the Arts at 4 am with our black legging, long pink shirts with a black belt over top and laced up granny boots to complete the look. We sang "The Rose" to which we also did sign language! They tried to kick us off the stage but we sang one more "That's What Friends are For!" . Yeah lets hear it for the 80s! My younger brother is pushing a plane to Saskatoon with the Davison Kinsmen to raise money for Telemiracle so this weekend remember to "Ring those Phones!"

The wedding contest will end soon and as I promised the last day of February I will count any new votes double. So if you know anyone who has not yet voted let them know you need their help. In the subject of the email have them write you name and "New Vote" and they will count double if the vote on Feb 29th!

I would love to share some images but all the sessions I have done lately are a suprise for someone so I will have to wait....Have a great weekend.

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