Yes the day to celebrate love. I am lucky to have tons of love in my life. My #1 Sweetie is my hubby Patrick. Here is an image of him from our holiday in Ottawa.

I am thankful every day for him! I always tell him he is the glue that holds this family together........even though it is crazy glue!! I am off to a women's conference today where one of the speakers is a great lady from my mother in law's group the "Breast of Friends" they are a group of 10 self proclaimed mennopausal women raising money for breast cancer and boy have they ever. Sales of their first two cookbooks have reached nearly half a million when their original goal was only $3000.00. Amazing what one group can do! Check out their site The cook books are amazing I can tell you from personal experience. Their third cook book is coming out at the end of March and celebrates survivors.` Thanks to my wonderful Sister in law Shannon Rokochy for the great image of the ladies. She does all the pictures for their cookbooks!
Speaking of love here is the update in the wedding vote. Top 5
Alison and Geoff- 125
Shane and Morgan- 103
Amber and Shawn-98
Ryan and Melissa-85
Adena and Dean-82
*****Since today is the day of love any votes from today count double!!!*******
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