Wednesday, September 10, 2008

People in the Pasture...

This spot means a lot to this family. The kids have grown up going out to this spot that the call the bread rock because it looks like a loaf of bread. They stick money in the cracks for good luck!! I love family traditions and it adds so much to a portrait to have the setting be somewhere so signifigant. Thanks for a great day. Even the cows cooperated


1 comment:

Watrous School of Dance said...

Hi Corla, sorry it took me a couple of days to get back to you. Congratulations!!!, Treena told me you are expecting again, how are you feeling? I would love to know how to make my images larger!! And I would really, really love to get information on the provincial and national photography conventions. Thank you so much Corla, that was really nice of you! Hope you have a great weekend and talk to you soon! Monique
P.S That little guy on your blog must be your son, he has the same eyes as you!! He's a very handsome fella!!