Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

To all the Dad's out there a very special Father's Day. Personally, I think that my hubby is the greatest Dad but I actually have the proof. I nominated Pat for the Today's Parent "Dad's We Love Contest" and what do you know out of over 500 entries they chose my Patty as one of the top five Dads in Canada! Pat and the kids are featured in the June issue of Today's Parent. My friend and fellow photographer Greg Huzsar came out from Regina for the shoot and did a great job! Thanks Greg. For Father's Day I framed the cover and the article for Pat ( thanks to my fabulous friend Alison from Imagin Photography in Humboldt!) so he can proudly display the magazine! Without you Patrick this rodeo just wouldn't be the same.

On a much sadder note Father's Day actually marks the anniversary of my own Dad's death. It has been 15 years since my Dad passed away this Sunday. It is amazing how much has happened in the past 15 years. We lost my Dad 2 days before my youngest brother's 18th birthday and a week before his grade 12 graduation. Now we are all grown adults with kids of our own (we are working on grandchild # 8). It is amazing to think of all my Dad has missed out on. So far all of you out there lucky enough to still have your Dad around count your blessings and give him an extra hug for me! I am lucky to have Pat's Dad Al as my father in law and he treats me just like a daughter!

Here is to all the fabulous Dads thanks for all you do!

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